User Reviews
Gayjin London

Gayjin London is a traveler’s app that serves as the gay man or woman’s guidebook to the city of London, England. It was developed by Happy Moments and is compatible with an iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. It costs $4.99 and provides a thorough and informed view of the city.

Gayjin London is organized into categories and areas. There are 14 different categories including, Eating, Drinking, Dancing, Sleeping, Attractions, Shopping, Adult, Services, and Transport. Within all of these categories are subcategories listing different places you can go to eat, drink, dance, sleep, entertain yourself, etc.

Gayjin London

The information that can be found within the subcategories includes a brief description with details (takeout or not) and suggestions (try the chicken tikka masala). In the Services category you can find everything from Gay Life Coaching to Home Around the World, which is a gay and lesbian home exchange housing service based on worldwide membership. Prices are included in the synopses. There are a number of different areas in London that the app lists. When choosing an area you are taken to a list of different clubs, sex shops, and bars that are located in that particular area.

Gayjin London

When you choose a club, shop, or bar you are given a complete description of the place, its hours of operation, price level, contact information, and website. You can click on the number (to call) or the address (to GPS the location). There is a map of the surrounding area of the spot you have chosen that is saved into the app. You are provided with online and offline maps in case you are lost in a place with no coverage. In Settings, you can control whether or not the app asks you first before taking you online to ensure that you do not incur roaming charges. There is a Search option that allows you to search within the app for anything you need.

The amount of detail that went into the production of this app is astonishing. I would have to say the only thing missing in the app was a currency calculator. All of the prices listed in the categories are in pounds.

AppSafari Rating: 4.5/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Gayjin London at iTunes App Store
Price: $4.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Gayjin London was written by on November 1st, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Dating, Europe, Maps, Reference, Travel, UK. Page viewed 6870 times, 2 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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