User Reviews
Angry Bunny: Ninja Revenge

This is a game very similar to Doodle Jump, but is developed by Ran Zhang. You jump automatically and all you have to do is tilt the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to drive your Bunny Ninja to the left or right. You step on platforms and avoid being hit by projects and bombs that a Pirate Bunny drops on you. Yes. This game steps into the Pirates vs. Ninja argument. But does it prove itself as a good game?

The title of this game is actually more descriptive of its back story then anything this game presents. One level with a lovely mountain view and floating tree logs. You play as the Bunny Ninja and the main antagonist, the Pirate Bunny, hovers above you with a rocket pack dropping bombs onto platforms. You can fire at the Pirate Bunny with power up ninja stars that you can fire by touching the screen. The stars track where you touched so you can aim at the Pirate and knock carrots out of him… I know it sounds weird, but just go with it.

This game has some annoyances. First, it’s incredibly annoying to collect carrots. To do so, you must shoot the Pirate with your ninja stars, make him drop carrots, then collect them. He will drop bombs directly under himself, which means you should shoot him at an angle, but since you need to collect the carrots he drops, most of the time, you have to risk near death just to get some extra points, or get a face full of bomb. The sound effects in this game are also extremely annoying. Bouncing noises and a silent background… it’s boring and annoying at the same time.

Angry Bunny: Ninja Revenge

You know, I believe the biggest flaw, and most disappointing aspect of this game is that the theme is wasted. You don’t have any unique trait to this Ninja-fied Bunny. You can’t use powerful magic, climb walls, wall jump, clone yourself, or ANYTHING that you would imagine a cartoon ninja to be able to do. The bunny simply hops up and down slowly and you guide him. The Pirate bunny doesn’t seem all that interested in blowing you up… he just floats and drops bombs leisurely. If he angrily threw bombs, shot at you with a pistol, or maybe even had some of his pirate crew come and attack you while you tried to climb platforms, maybe it would have taken advantage of the theme of this game.

This game isn’t all that bad, it’s just feels like unfulfilled potential. So much more could have been done besides a slow climbing game with no incentive, no progression, and no real theme. Most of the game is decoration and even that is wasted as well. Just because it looks nice doesn’t mean it’s a good game (I’m lookin’ at you Final Fantasy XIII.)

I’m not trying to tell you ‘Don’t download it.’ I just mean that if you are split between this and any other app you are interested in, go for the other app. Oh, and by the way… Ninjas would TOTALLY kick a Pirate’s butt.

AppSafari Rating: 3/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download Angry Bunny: Ninja Revenge at iTunes App Store
Price: $0.99
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of Angry Bunny: Ninja Revenge was written by on July 29th, 2010 and categorized under App Store, Games, Platformer, Universal. Page viewed 8683 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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2 Comments to “Angry Bunny: Ninja Revenge”

  1. Dude!I really like your review, it’s so funny! And Actually I’m the developer of this game lol. Althought you are not saying any good words for my app, I love your humors and I’ll improve the app until you like it. I hope you can make the review again when the next update is coming. Again, I’m laughing so loud when read this review 😀

  2. @ Jason

    Hey, as a game artist, I understand how criticism hits hard after putting so much work into a project. I totally respect the work you’ve done and very much appreciate your comment. Thanks for the compliment, and I will definitely be looking forward to seeing the next version. Your game definitely has great potential.

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