User Reviews

The TeuxDeux productivity iPhone app is a simple, smart, and attractive way to stay on top of your to-do lists. It incorporates intuitive functionality for those of us who remember life where we lugged around a calendar scribbled with appointments, to-do items, and arrows moving items from one day to the next. With the ability to sync an online account with, you will always have the chance to update your to-do lists from home, work, and iPhone.

If you use the TeuxDeux iPhone app prior to creating an online account, you’ll go through a wonky process to get started. Instead of an in-app account creation and activation, you are transported to Safari to create an account online. Then, you are left at in Safari. There is no process to move you back into the iPhone app. The developers need to create an account registration system within the iOS app to reduce confusion and truly complement the streamlined, easy interface of the TeuxDeux iPhone app.

teuxdeux iphone app

The striking, bold red and white graphics will immediately engage you. The date is boldly placed in the menu bar at the top of the screen. There is a scrolling list of the following days at the bottom of the screen, so you can swiftly move between the days with responsive swipes and touches. For each day, there is a simple list that resembles a lined piece of paper with a field at the top to add a to-do item. If you decide to move the item to another day, you hold your finger on it and slide it to another day. If you want to reorder your list, you hold the item and slide it to your preferred spot in the list. When you complete a task, you touch it to mark it out. You will appreciate the ability to glance at the list to see if it is complete. Many to-do list iPhone apps will eliminate a completed list from the screen, and that process certainly decreases the visual clutter. With a to-do item, sometimes you can’t remember what has been completed and others relish the ability to see crossed-off items. You can also create a someday list for those items without a due date.

teuxdeux iphone app

Another great feature of the TeuxDeux list iPhone app is the ability to add multiple accounts. This is a great tool for families and work colleagues. My husband and I can create lists and monitor the progress together. It would also be an excellent tool for monitoring your kids who have iPhones. It is a chance to help them learn to be responsible for homework, chores, extracurricular activities, and remembering to bring home permission slips.

The TeuxDeux iPhone app also offers three choices for your syncing. To preserve your data package, you can choose to sync manually, sync automatically, or update only on wi-fi. This is a thoughtful addition to the Teux Deux iPhone app.

The TeuxDeux iPhone app has a $2.99 price tag, and the web based service is free. Many comparable to-do list iPhone apps charge a download fee plus monthly usage fees, so the TeuxDeux iPhone app is a bargain.

AppSafari Rating: 4/5

This 3rd Party App is available at the Apple iTunes AppStore. Browse the full list of all AppStore apps filed under the AppStore category.
Download TeuxDeux at iTunes App Store
Price: $2.99
Version: 1.04
Size: 1.12 MB
AppSafari review of TeuxDeux was written by on September 25th, 2012 and categorized under App Store, Featured, Notes, Productivity. Page viewed 5910 times, 4 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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