The anxiously awaited iPad app for LinkedIn is available for download from the iTunes App Store, which works as a universal download for both the iPhone, iPad. LinkedIn addicts will find smooth interface and appealing visual presence to facilitate your next big deal.
The smooth, clean home screen connects you to your profile, your inbox, or your news feed in one touch. The LinkedIn iPad app feel is uncluttered and precisely organized, just like your highly-appointed corner office or the one you aspire to have. The LinkedIn iPad app incorporates a unique top menu bar for your profile, your inbox, and your profile to enhance the experience. For example, you can filter and sort your news feed with a drop down menu to access your groups quickly. In the profile category, you can send an in-app email with one touch from the top of the screen. You do not need to navigate back to the inbox. Through straightforward icons for sharing, comments, and likes, you can interact with your LinkedIn professional network when you read an article or check out a Twitter feed.
One of the fantastic features of the LinkedIn iPad app is the ability to sync your calendar. This sync helps you track your connections and their activities, as well as the local weather and stock market. If you have an upcoming meeting, you can quickly navigate to a profile in a couple of touches. If you’re talking with a potential client or connection, you can speak specifically to their interests and needs. Then, when you score a meeting, you can check out your availability with ease and avoid the awkward “Let me get to the right screen” conversation.
For each category, the LinkedIn iPad app incorporates multiple gesture controls to navigate. In many iOS apps, developers who use multiple types of gesture controls–touches, swipes, pinches, drop down bars–overload the screen and confuse the user. LinkedIn iPad’s app is extremely successful with the gesture choices. In your news feed, the LinkedIn iPad app customizes your industry news by presenting the highlights in a flipboard style. You swipe your finger to examine your LinkedIn archives. When you find an interesting article, you touch the article to find a brief overview. If you want to read the entire article, you are transported to the original source. You have the ability to comment and share your thoughts with the LinkedIn professional network. The navigation is sophisticated, and fortunately, you can always return to the home screen in one touch.
The LinkedIn iPad app profile section has a nice layout and functionality. In many ways, it is more visually interesting and intuitive than the LinkedIn online experience. Your profile has your current position, previous position, and education. The all-important list of who has viewed your profile, your potential connections, and your current connections are below. With a slide of your finger, your profile is available for view. Once you select a connection’s profile, it has the same career and education history information as your profile. Below, you can check out your connection’s professional summary and shared connections. Then, with a swipe on the screen, you can check out a connection’s connections.
The LinkedIn iPad app news feed feature and calendar incorporation elevate the LinkedIn online and iPhone app experience. It is clean, modern, and visually appealing, as well. The LinkedIn iPad app did suffer from slow load times for groups, and the rating reflects that problem. The LinkedIn iPad app’s future updates will hopefully address this issue, so you can wheel and deal more quickly.
Note: If you don’t want to use a dedicated native app, you can also visit the mobile version of the LinkedIn website by going to from Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad.
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It’s indeed a wonderful app. I am using an iPad and I wish this app had the ability to access groups to be able to post messages. In addition to this, profile edit, and recommendations section should make this app a compete one eliminating the need to use a computer or web browser.
Posted on March 27th, 2013 at 11:45 pm byAvinash
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