User Reviews 3.0

Update: 3.0 is the latest and greatest in the one stop jailbreak website’s releases, this time allowing iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users to hack iOS 4.3.3 versions. As before the hackers behind the site include “comex” and Grant Paul (chpwn), and this time with help from the creator of Cydia himself Jay Freeman (saurik). Apple is already preparing a patch for the jailbreak as it poses a security risk. Using the new 3.0 version of JailBreakMe is seriously simple. Just visit the website from your iOS device and hit the “free” button then tap “install” (yes it looks identical to the App Store layout). A Cydia icon appears on your device while it is installed.

Issues: If the hack started then suddenly went away you might have a newer version of the iOS firmware than is supported by jailbreakme.
JailBreakMe 3.0

Previous Versions

Jailbreaking for the masses is here! Jailbreakme 3.0 by comex (et al.) is a one step, free, web based iPhone/iPod/iPad jailbreak. “Slide to jailbreak” That’s how easy it is to jailbreak your i device now days. Just open Safari and enter the URL on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This is brand new and in response to the recently approved DMCA exemption by Library of Congress that specifically allows jailbreaking. The process takes about 2 1/2 minutes and is easily reversible, just make sure you backup your iPhone in iTunes first.

The first time we did this the installer crashed, meaning after we did the “slide to jailbreak” step it hung and only showed us the website’s wallpaper. This even froze Safari. Luckily though after a quick restart, opening the website a second time gave us a message saying it had noticed a failed attempt. “oops… it looks like the installer crashed last time you tried to jailbreak. it might work if you try again.” So then we then started a second time, and amazingly enough this time it worked. The entire process takes about 2:30 minutes and here is a video that demonstrates the process. We did this on an iPhone 4, which worked flawlessly and placed the Cydia icon on the home screen. From there you can add sources and install Rock.

Updates: As initially reported today by some news sources, the method used in JailbreakMe 2.0 is not a PDF-based vulnerability in OS X but in a component for displaying PDF files. The site uses a number of tricks to identify what device is requesting to be jailbroken and then loads an appropriate PDF file into it. If you are unable to get to the original site, you can visit an alternative site created as well.
If you have already upgraded to version 4.01, or plan to upgrade, won’t work for you. Apple has patched the PDF hole in Safari that allowed the installation.

About the developer

Nicholas Allegra is the 19-year old Brown University student from Chappaqua, NY who goes by the name Comex. As stated in a tweet, Comex is going to be joining Apple as an intern in the fall of 2011.

Warning Use at your own risk! Backup your iPhone to iTunes before jailbreaking.


AppSafari Rating: 5/5

Price: Free
Developer: Website
AppSafari review of JailBreakMe 3.0 was written by on August 2nd, 2010 and categorized under Cydia Apps. Page viewed 40498 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page.
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91 Comments to “JailBreakMe 3.0”

  1. i would love new apps

  2. Id love to have thus app

  3. jailbroke iphone 4.0 but mms stopped working, upgraded via itunes to ver 4.01. jailbreak no longer works. downloads then resets back to home screen

  4. Is jailbreaking your iPod touch safe? Are there any complications or can anything go wrong?

  5. This is a MUST HAVE!!! I used this app with miwy from rock and it works perfectly!!!
    Now in search of apps not on iTunes!!!!

  6. did not work on my ipod touch 3.1.3

  7. does it get deleted when restored

  8. cannot jailbreak on my Ipad. It tells me to update my itunes and my Itunes is updated, Can anybody help?

  9. Excellent

  10. This don’t work with the version 4.1!!! F*ck!

  11. It’s too bad my iPhone is a 3GS and has 4.1 os.
    The idea you have to Jailbreak the iPhone and make it so incredibly easy for anyone to do, is fantastic! You cant make it any easier than that! You all rule!
    Now….. When will you be able to JB 4.1 os? I would pay good money to get that done on my phone.
    Please man! Upgrade soon!

  12. how do you get app if you dont use the app store tell me how for ipod touch

  13. Excellent Idea who ever did this

  14. jailbreak af iphone3gg 3gs og 4 med version version 4,1 og der over kommer i løbet af 6-10 dage så i kan glæde jer alle sammen

    mvh pepijo

  15. Bypassing the Overlord
    To this end, I have constructed a server that duplicates the functionality exposed by Apple’s signature server, except using “on file” results rather than live requests.
    All we need, then, is to make iTunes use it. Luckily, most operating systems also have the ability to locally define bypasses on specific hostnames through a file called hosts. Using this, we can redirect requests to Apple’s signature server to Cydia.
    So, open the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) or /etc/hosts (Mac OS X) and add the following entry to the bottom of the file.
    Now, when iTunes thinks it is talking to Apple, it is talking to Cydia instead. Doing this will allow iTunes to access signatures already stored by Cydia’s “on file” feature.

  16. How do u download this thing???????

  17. Huevos

  18. Thanks 4 dis site ilove it

  19. I am happy

  20. Nice

  21. I would like to have this app


  23. dank u

  24. Very good!!!!!,!!!!!

  25. it is relly very good program

  26. I want ti jailbreak my iphone 3Gs

  27. I can’t get it on my iPod touch 4g it doesn’t show a button so I can download it

  28. Megustaria tener cydia en mi iPod

  29. Good thinks

  30. Merci

  31. I have recommended to use it 🙂

  32. I like it, but there is one bug that I don’t think has been fixed yet. When I jailbroke my iPhone using it, when I unlocked my phone there was a black flickering box with a spinner inside. It does not go away until moving to another page. Other than that, it’s great. 😀

  33. I like this cydia

  34. When I visit , It doesn’t so the ” FREE ” button next to the cydia logo. Why is that ?

  35. Free cydia

  36. Muy buena aplicación

  37. I want jailbreak

  38. I would like to jailbreak my iPod so I can use whatsapp program

  39. Jailbreak

  40. He’d

  41. we needed

  42. Hi

  43. Yes

  44. Beter

  45. Please work

  46. I think it will work

  47. Cuida

  48. I like it

  49. Hi

  50. Can you guys make a jailbreakme for software 6.0.1?I would like for you to make one for the new software because doesn’t work in my iPhone and it always says you can do a untethered jailbreak and I don’t wont a untethered jailbreak I want a regular jailbreak that gives me cydia.

  51. I can’t download cydia and jailbreak
    Can you help me plz

  52. I went install cydia

  53. I would want to jailbreak my phone plz.

  54. Awsome

  55. Cool

  56. Fuck. You. Notches

  57. I want to jailbreak my iPod 5

  58. Awesome

  59. When will a Jailbreak come out for version 6.1.3?

  60. ?????

  61. Osama

  62. i want cydia

  63. Hello

  64. H

  65. jfjhfjhf

  66. Pleas jail break my phone

  67. I hope it will jailbreak my iphone

  68. I need cydia pliz or jail break me

  69. It can only use in i phone

  70. Fix iphone

  71. Ok

  72. Awesome

  73. u only have to slide the bar

  74. Thank you

  75. Thanksgiving

  76. Thank you

  77. Hello fdihdihzgvjt fhatjf

  78. Hello

  79. This works

  80. Jailbreak is the best way get Cydia

  81. This is cool

  82. I loves youuu

  83. Cool

  84. Please I need it

  85. je veux avoir ce jailbreakme 3.0

  86. Good

  87. Thanks

  88. Wow

  89. please help me to openline my iphone.. everything is locked

  90. How can I install???

  91. I love you

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